Thursday 20 January 2011

Out and illustrate the point

From Fashionistable
Ade is in her 1st year at St Martins. She is studying illustration and is really excited to be studying there. Her surprising thing was connected with college. We met near Brick Lane where she was looking for props for a project she had been set to do. Which is a painting of herself as her hero, who is Mark Ryden (if you have a look at his paintings, then go to The Gay 90's show you will see were Lady Gaga's designer got the idea for the meat dress). So she was looking for a bow tie, glasses and dolls you can see why the bow tie and glasses here. You can see why the dolls from his illustrations. Her style guide usually follows a strict no pattern policy. The pattern we are seeing today is the only pattern she owns. Her coat is from a friend from OZ, her scarf is also a present. Her top is by Olga de Polga, dress by Warehouse, tights M&S, DMs on her feet and her bag is from Egg 3 but I can't find a link for them for you.


the nyanzi report said...

Very stylish young lady we got here today. Clever layering going on here.
Well spotted D.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

The best thing is he amazing Louise Brooks style haircut. I would love an elegalt 'do like this, but my hair is way too unruly. x

Unknown said...

So stylish.

I like her tights, oh so muchly!

The Photodiarist said...

Love her haircut too.

thestylestash said...

Loved your blog!!!!! come to mine ! and follow me ! :D

SabinePsynopsis said...

She looks GREAT! I think I have an idea what egg could be... If I find the link I'll be back. xxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Love her style. Gorgeous picture Dvora, the lighting is wonderful! xx

Filipa said...

I checked out Mark Ryden and gosh! The girl in the drawign with the meat dress even has the similar hair as Gaga! Sheesh, what a little style idea steal :P I love how Ade put a little pink ribbon on her bag.. And the fact that is the ONLY item in colour on her outfit!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

ooh i just love her jaunty haircut! =)

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