Monday 27 September 2010

LFW September 2010 - bubblicious

From Fashionistable
I was going to stop my LFW coverage on Friday but I have 3 more days of posting to bring you. Today it is 3 well known bloggers.
I was hoping to meet Susie during LFW. After reading her posts from NYC and before I met her I knew she had been feeling low and indeed had then caught a cold. She was suffering poor thing but was still good enough to let me take her pic. Hope you are feeling much better now Susie. I like the way the camera flare has made it look like she has a bubble just floating over her shoulder.


Obsesiones de una Nina said...

Susie looks fab! Love the colour palette :)

SabinePsynopsis said...

We must have 'caught' her on a different day(same coat, other shoes). She is so wonderful to photograph, totally relaxed in front of the camera, & I LOVE the bubble! xxx

Luna Tiger said...

I really love Susie Bubble, there is so much poetry and creativity in her outfits

Anonymous said...

I like the updated trench coat look with the cut-off sleeves. later, FashionLifeCoach

the nyanzi report said...

Very creative mind this one.
The bubble...ha!

TheStreetFashion5xpro said...

fab look!!I love this creativity

The Photodiarist said...

What a fantastic shot!!!

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