
Tuesday 27 June 2017

Focus On Arabella Greenhill

Arabella has lived most of her life in London (except for a 3 year stint in NYC). After leaving art school her path towards a career in fashion started as a model. Her school careers advisor (bless them, have they changed at all? They all seem to have a very narrow repertoire of what we all should do), told her she should either be a journalist or a fashion designer, as the only routes into the fashion industry. Modelling however opened the young Arabella’s eyes to the many other different and varied ways of working in fashion. After modelling, Arabella moved into the world of magazines working for Sky, Vogue, Tatler, Marie Claire, then a stint at Spring Studios and then InStyle, before her latest role as a freelancer. Each role moving her forward from Junior Fashion Editor to Senior Fashion Editor to Art Director and on to Fashion Director.

D: As a model, when you were working on set and absorbing all the sights and sounds and ways of working of the people around you, what drew you to the styling role over all the others? At what point did you think that’s it, that’s actually what I want to do?

A: I knew I wanted to work on magazines and in fashion from around the age of 14, I just didn’t realize the job existed. Having the opportunity to model exposed me to how diverse the fashion industry is and how many opportunities there are.

D: Do you think that maybe being a model 1st gave you a greater understanding of the clothes and the story they tell?

A: It definitely gave me more of an understanding of how clothes move and feel and the mood they can create, plus how hard modeling is.

D: Once you had decided you wanted to work in magazines and in a styling role did you set your sights on the role of Fashion Director or did you happily just move through the ranks without much thought of an ultimate goal?

A: I always thought I would like to become a Fashion Director. I have worked hard to get where I am today but I also feel very lucky and privileged to have been given so many great opportunities over the years.

D: What advice would you give your 16 year old self? Or others who are 16 now looking at following the same/similar path as you?

A: Apart from wearing a crop top while you can, work hard, do lots of work experience, assist as many different people as possible and say yes to every opportunity. You don’t know where it will lead.

D: You have a brilliant CV and have worked with so many great people in the industry. What would you say is your favourite part of your job?

A: Working with a great team creating amazing pictures and the chance to travel.

D: What’s next? Having worked in both traditional magazines and in eCommerce would a role on an eCommerce magazine be tempting?

A: The landscape of magazines and fashion is changing fast and I am excited to pursue a new role in a different capacity, whatever that may be and look forward to all the opportunities and challenges this brings.

D: Who or what inspires you?

A: Travel inspires me but I also love photography, film, books and art. You never know where the next idea will come from.

D: Describe your own personal style.

A: I was described recently as chic but cool so I am going to go with that.

D: You like to exercise and have a great series of exercise videos on your website. How do you manage to keep fit during fashion month? Does it all go out the window or do you manage to keep up a routine?

A:  I always take my trainers (they are the first thing I pack) so I can either run outside or in the hotel gym first thing in the morning before the shows. It helps me clear my head and burn off all the pizza and macaroons.

And Finally 

D: Tell me something surprising about yourself.

A: I hate chips!

Arabella is wearing - 

Shot 1 - Sitting on Floor – Gestuz red top, Current Elliott jeans, Zara shoes and Maria Black earrings.

Shot 2 -  Standing by the book shelves – EDIT top, M.i.h jeans with Aeyde shoes.

Shot 3 - Standing by the fireplace - A.W.A.K.E top and skirt with Bally shoes.

Shot 4 – Sitting on chaise longue - &Other Stories dress with Jimmy Choo shoes.

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